Balanced Leadership
The literature on what makes a great leader has swung between traits and skills for over 100 years. We focus on good leadership behaviours instead. In 2008 we started a research project with the London School of Economics to understand what were the key ingredients of sustained good leadership, not only when things went well, but around the whole economic cycle.
The result is the Balanced Leader model: a set of attitudes and behaviours which get honed over many years in different ways. Our programmes aim to accelerate your learning and experimentation and ensure that you progress on all fronts at the same time.
Once you become a Balanced Leader, you are ready for all eventualities: new ventures, growth, downturns, structured management, self-management, and everything in-between.
We continue to evolve the Balance Leader model to incorporate research on themes such as Followership, Drive or Liberated Enterprises and ensure our clients are always ahead of the game.

The Resilient Leader
Are you fit to lead? Good leaders know they are running a marathon, not a sprint. They look after themselves and their team

The Strategic Leader
A Balanced Leader cannot not be strategic; yet many emerging leaders have to pick up strategic skills on the fly. Learn about the mind of the strategist

The Behavioural Leader
Is your organisation well behaved? The ebb and flow of corporate life is driven and regulated by our values, our strategies and, on a day-to-day basis, our behaviours

The Meaningful Leader
Why do you get out of bed every morning? Forget about the politically correct noises about shareholder value. What do you want your legacy to be? – Not always an easy question to answer
To find out more about about the Balanced Leader, download the White Paper and contact us using the button below