The curse of the good girl
Women are trained to be hard working and dependable while behaving in a predictable way: the perfect recipe to be overlooked for career development. How do we change this at the personal and cultural levels? Averil and Kaye discuss men’s so called easy life,...Unconscious bias: are Heidi and Howard alive and well?
You’ll have heard about the 2010 Harvard Business School case study where the same professional’s CV was presented as either that of a Heidi Roizen or Howard Roizen? Sight unseen, biased judgment interpreted the same CV in radically different ways. Opinions...Grow your own women
It is expensive to recruit and then lose women to your competitors. How do you ensure they stay and rise through the ranks, effectively balancing your gender profile as they go? If you don’t truly understand why they leave, nothing changes. If you don’t have a plan...The ladder of workable New Year resolutions
Averil and Connie discuss sensible approaches to New Year resolutions using (properly researched) positive psychology and other behavioural techniques. From morning coffee, to Duolingo, to the ladder with an infinite number of steps… Broadcast on Hogmanay. The...
Recruiting more women makes everyone richer
The maths of gender diversity: Evidence from the City is that women are performing at least as well as men in fund management, the law, insurance, and banking. It is equally true in ‘real’ industries outside the City. So how do you convince those in power to pay more...
Gender Diversity is key to ESG
Getting it right scores across multiple dimensions: Getting ESG right is complicated as so many factors and activities are intertwined. You need to be seen to do the right thing. Acting on Gender Diversity is highly effective and has a high signalling value. We will...