An inconvenient truth
This week being Passover, I revisited a post from a couple of years ago, The Rabbi’s leadership wisdom. In it, I debated the relationship between ‘telling it like it is’ and unintended consequences: in corporate life, like in real life, the messenger bears in part the...
Leadership Minute: The magical number for changing habits by François Moscovici
Instilling new behaviours and changing habits are fundamental actions to enhance your organisation’s performance. Good leaders should bear in mind one key number when fostering organisational change. Watch this video to find out what it is.
Taking your career up a notch
Women enter the workforce with a high confidence level after graduating University in their early twenties. They are usually in their first job because they are the best: they have the highest academic grades and have passed various interview processes with flying...
Women’s Leadership: The Full Life by Averil Leimon
Having a work-life balance can be extremely challenging. Instead, Averil Leimon emphasises the importance of having a full life. This video provides you with the tips you need in order to have a happier and more balanced life.
Acting for Impact
Matt Beresford, Senior Expert & Theatre Director The key principles of acting are a useful tool when considering how to enhance impact. Unfortunately, acting carries with it many misconceptions. At the most basic level, we think of acting as simply pretence...
Happiness in the UK
The Office of National Statistics have just released its 2016 figures on happiness in the UK. Needless to say, people immediately went and tagged one town ‘the unhappiest in the UK’ slightly missing and also proving a point. Hear Averil talking about this on the...
Leadership Minute: Courageous Conversations by François Moscovici – Part 2
In this Leadership Minute, François Moscovici focuses on courageous conversations. In contrast to the first courageous conversations video, this one concentrates on the importance the Negative Enquiry technique has when forcing conversations. Having the courage to...
Fight club for Women?
I have been banging on about women for a long time. . . .a very long time. Amazing what turns up if you Google yourself. That press cutting came from 1983 and was my public speaking debut. I remember it well, even that I was wearing a fabulous cream trouser suit with...