If it’s good enough for plastic bags, it’s good enough for women
Let’s talk about plastic bags. Last year the law came into place and we had to pay for them. Cue bemused shoppers, who could easily afford 5 pence, staggering out of shops with their arms full of goods or shelling out the money and doing the walk of shame as they...
Averil was interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland on 27th April on the following theme: workers ‘slagging off’ their bosses
Averil was interviewed by Mhairi Stuart on the following theme: workers ‘slagging off’ their bosses. Have you missed it ? Hit the play button to listen to the clip from Wednesday 27th April.
Greed is good… for culture change
Those of you familiar with our work will know that we are unashamed behaviourists: if you want people to change, change the rewards and the measurements! In the great debate about gender and financial performance, we already know that executive positions are more...
Averil’s 11 tips for being a ‘strong woman’ published in ELLE UK Magazine.
Being a strong woman at work is something many of Averil’s clients find potentially challenging. Here, Averil shares practical tips for women to be more confident in the workplace which will help them in becoming more confident leaders.
Super read: Career & Happiness
Averil Leimon gives you one piece of advice to feel happier in life. We hope this will give you a nudge to boost both your career and personal satisfaction.Finding my own voice
I was on stage last autumn in Denver, Colorado when I had the ultimate,’Gosh, if I’d only known that, back then’ moment. Interviewing me was a friend who had once been my student flatmate. So, we have a long history. We laughed at the thought of going back to tell our...
IWD 2016: Speed Sisters at BFI Southbank with White Water Women
This year we departed from our usual International Women’s Day breakfast format: we teamed up with Birds Eye View Films/Filmonomics and the British Film Institute to sponsor a special screening of the movie Speed Sisters – the story of the the only female...
Beyond green beer: Find Your Leadership Voice on March 17th
Following the last programme’s success, we are pleased to announce that we will run another instalment of our dedicated one-day event for women on voice, presence, confidence and leadership. It runs on St Patrick’s day, so no excuse for forgetting the...