Luxuriate in the best
There’s an irritating habit many people have. When good things are happening (a facial, a concert, a holiday) they waste time fretting about them ending too soon. Tell that voice in your head to shut up! Learn to luxuriate in the best moments with all your senses on...
Marvel at life
I remember as a child, out for a walk with my father, he picked a tiny flower and showed me what a completely perfect act of creation it was in every detail. Marvel at the beauty of the big stuff, a stunning rainbow, amazing architecture or your own success, but take...
Choose the movie
Without meaning to, we regularly run movies in our heads of what we don’t want to happen. The result: we scare ourselves stupid and our brain gets a signal that this is what we want and obliges with nerves and anxiety. Try this. Visualise yourself in the situation....
Amazing wish lists
Every year before Christmas, my family creates wish lists on a certain website. I can never think of anything I want so invented ‘The Amazing Wish List’. Ask people what they would love to have that doesn’t cost the earth. What you would like? Breakfast in bed? A day...
Have a beautiful day
Sometimes we can get a bit martyred. Our well-being is important. At regular intervals give yourself a special day. What would be the best and most beautiful day you could have? Would it be spent walking in the woods after a leisurely breakfast or whirling around on a...
Love past pleasures
We grow up awfully fast and forget some of the pleasures we enjoyed when younger. People just love to talk about how hard the old days were and what a struggle it all was. Be honest with yourself and look back on all the good times and the pleasant memories too. You...
Leave your legacy
Jeremy Bentham, the philosopher, stated that, “it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong”. Our own happiness can be greatly enhanced by ensuring the happiness of others. Think about what your legacy will be. In what way...
“Coaching Women to Lead” review
“Coaching Women to Lead” review on July/August number of Coaching at Work.