Have a happy heart
Love and happiness are firmly entwined. Many people spend their lives looking for love, hoping for love, expecting to be loved and being disappointed. The only control you have is over your own love. You can’t make anyone love you. All you can do is work at loving...
Be a good consumer
We are fortunate to live in a time and culture of plenty, unlike many other parts of the world. But materialism isn’t always an effective route to happiness. Research indicates that just buying things because you want them can leave you less satisfied with life and...
Start from the inside out
“The one who would be in constant happiness must frequently change.” Confucius. In pursuing happiness, it is easy to chase after the external when in fact the major obstacles to happiness lie within. Understand yourself. How do you compare to other people in your...
Happiness is right here
Everyone nowadays, whether dancing on ice or becoming a pop idol talks about being “on a journey”. Happiness isn’t a destination. It is right here, right now. Sit still, go nowhere and just think about what is making you happy in this instant. As I write, the sun is...
Make links
It’s easy to become isolated or part of a small circle, especially in modern communities. We need people to talk to, to love, to confide in, to share with and to live with. Strong social bonds with people ensure happiness. Those involved with society report even...
Don’t rest on your laurels
Old friends are great. You have been through thick and thin together and can reminisce at length about the good old days. While nostalgia can be fun, reliving great times from your youth, it can also make you feel that the best has passed. Start making new memories...
Anticipate the best
Anticipation can be a productive problem solving activity. What do I need to do to catch my plane, leave for holiday, have a good time? Too often it becomes an exercise in anxiety – what if I forget my passport, the plane is late, I have a miserable time? Try doing...
Find forgiveness
If you say you can forgive but not forget, maybe you haven’t really forgiven? Inability to forgive those who have hurt you means that you carry the burden of negative and damaging emotions like righteousness and anger, limiting your chance of happiness. You also stay...