New research on women’s networks advocates quotas
White Water conducted a poll on the top 100 women’s networks in the UK. Our results show that over two thirds (80 per cent) of women believe it will take up to 20 years to see women taking 30 per cent of top boardroom jobs. Our research has now been mentioned...Women of influence losing patience
⅔ now favour quotas and want men more involved A year ago the long-awaited Lord Davies report on women on boards came out and made specific recommendations to reach 25% female participation on the boards of FTSE350 companies. So we thought we’d ask women on the...Women of influence losing patience
⅔ now favour quotas and want men more involved A year ago the long-awaited Lord Davies report on women on boards came out and made specific recommendations to reach 25% female participation on the boards of FTSE350 companies. So we thought we’d ask women on the...I just can’t think!
I see a problem in organisations. People’s diaries are so full that they rush from one meeting to the next. They don’t even leave space for the time it gets to take the lift to the next meeting room. Worst of all – there’s no time, space or silence in which to...Peak retirement of baby boomers
Pack Wembley Stadium with pensioners. Now multiply by 10. This is roughly the number of Baby Boomers who will reach retirement age in 2012. Over the past three years the number of people reaching 65 has been increasing dramatically from about half-a million a year to...Peak retirement of baby boomers
Pack Wembley Stadium with pensioners. Now multiply by 10. This is roughly the number of Baby Boomers who will reach retirement age in 2012. Over the past three years the number of people reaching 65 has been increasing dramatically from about half-a million a year to...
HR Scotland Awards 2011
White Water is pleased to announce that three of our clients have recently picked up awards at the HR Network Awards 2011. Designed to recognise, acknowledge and reward the champions of the HR and people management & development profession in Scotland, there were...
Second Hand Stress
I was asked for some expert comment on the radio about second hand stress. A recent study claims that stress is as contagious as the common cold and that you can actually ‘catch’ other people’s anxieties. Passive or second hand stress can become...