The wrong kind of End Of The World
If you are reading this, it means that the world has not ended, yet. Either the prediction was wrong, or it is for December 21st. We think that both are wrong and NASA supports us… Of course, some of you may think that the end of the word is preferable to Christmas...
OBAMA – The All-Weather Leader
Congratulations to Obama on winning his second term at the White House last week. So how did he manage to ride the disappointment from ‘hope’ to dealing with the deepest economic crisis in living memory? How did he keep leading through bad times? And are leaders born...
OBAMA – The All-Weather Leader
Congratulations to Obama on winning his second term at the White House last week. So how did he manage to ride the disappointment from ‘hope’ to dealing with the deepest economic crisis in living memory? How did he keep leading through bad times? And are leaders born...
White Water Group – 10 years on
This October we celebrate our 10th birthday at White Water. So, we aren’t going to share our usual deep thoughts on leadership. Instead, we thought we would give you the small birthday gift of our own learning. These are 10 reflections not the 10 commandments … 10...
White Water Group – 10 years on
This October we celebrate our 10th birthday at White Water. So, we aren’t going to share our usual deep thoughts on leadership. Instead, we thought we would give you the small birthday gift of our own learning. These are 10 reflections not the 10 commandments … 10...
Optimistic Grit
We are entering the last quarter of the year – typically the most intense one. We continue to present 12 strong ideas on the 12th day of each month. Let’s see if our perspective can help us all make it to Christmas in good shape… To paraphrase Gordon Gekko in...
Optimistic Grit
We are entering the last quarter of the year – typically the most intense one. We continue to present 12 strong ideas on the 12th day of each month. Let’s see if our perspective can help us all make it to Christmas in good shape… To paraphrase Gordon Gekko in...It’s all over. . . but does it have to be?
So much has been said by so many about the Olympics. Tonight the closing ceremony will bring two wonderful weeks to an end. The country and the world will be celebrating. Many of us have loved the way London has felt – the warmth, the helpfulness, the politeness and...It’s all over. . . but does it have to be?
So much has been said by so many about the Olympics. Tonight the closing ceremony will bring two wonderful weeks to an end. The country and the world will be celebrating. Many of us have loved the way London has felt – the warmth, the helpfulness, the politeness and...
Heroes share need for resilience action
This month we divert our gaze from the Olympic flame (briefly) to focus on the all-important subject of survival – business and personal… Economists will tell you that the number of bankruptcies is a lagging indicator of recovery: businesses run out of cash just as...