How not to be an invisible woman at work: Averil in conversation with Tanith Carey – Daily Telegraph
“Research has found that women are almost twice as likely as men to suffer from ‘imposter syndrome’ – feeling like they are fakes who didn’t deserve to get here in the first place. The result is that we have so much self-doubt that we stop ourselves from...
Averil discusses feelings, grief and emotional intelligence on BBC Radio Scotland
Taking part in a programme marking the anniversary of the death of Princess Diana, Averil talks to Kaye Adams about the unprecedented public mourning immediately following the fatal accident in Paris and offers some psychological perspectives and insights. Did the...
15 pieces of cake? Averil debates happiness on Radio Five Live…
Averil on Radio 5 Live… Do we live on a ‘happiness scale’? Averil was recently a guest on Radio 5 Live, debating on happiness and well-being. With her Leadership hat on, she makes the point that people who are fortunate enough to be able to play to...
François co-authors article in Financial Times calling for the redefinition of MBA curricula for Gen Y leaders
This article, which François co-authored with his fellow MBA alumni, stresses the need for innovation in MBA programmes to ensure their future relevance as well as the continued nurturing and development of tomorrow’s leaders. The renowned scholar Henry Mintzberg, who...

The end of hierarchy? Circles in the sky…
The way we work is changing, yet our organisations remain the same – for now. If you have followed our recent research or blog you will have noticed two things: The interests of Gen Y and women are converging: both ask us to rethink the nature of work. For example to...
Move over – I’m smarter! What do today’s leaders need to know about managing tomorrow’s leaders?
I’ve just returned from McGill University where I participated in a debate about Millennials and loyalty. Gen Yers typically get bad press: they are seen as smart and connected but fickle and hard to please. So what do we, as leaders, need to know and do to engage and...
Loyalty Through the Eyes of Generations Y & Z – François a panellist at McGill’s MBA 50th anniversary celebration
On 23rd May, François was a panellist for a discussion at McGill University’s MBA NEXT 50 conference, in celebration of the MBA programme’s fiftieth year. Entitled ‘Loyalty Through the Eyes of Generations Y & Z’, the discussion...
Redefining Success – François on expert panel at LBS 15th Annual Women in Business Conference
On Friday 13th March, François was a panellist at the London Business School’s 15th Annual Women in Business Conference. During an animated discussion on partnerships between men and women, François shared his insight on engaging men who find it difficult to...
Childhood memories
Do you believe that your childhood was the best time of your life? Was your childhood better than the childhood of the children growing up today? Averil Leimon answers to these and more questions on BBC Radio Late Night Conversation.