Go on a strengths date
We all have strengths which tend to be different from other people’s. They may be creative while you are prudent. They have amazing courage and you are great with people. Find novel activities which combine your strengths. Creativity and prudence might combine to...
As easy as A B C
Negative thinking robs you of happiness and can be persistent. Here’s the ABCDE of breaking the pattern: A. Adversity, what triggered it? I failed. B. Belief that underpins it? I’m rubbish. C. Consequence of the thought? I’m miserable. D. Debate the evidence I only...
Live with hope
Some choose to be afraid by being hopeless and helpless in difficult times. Hope for the best, see the big picture and concentrate on your dreams. Belief in a better future makes you motivated to face serious challenges head on and work for success. Hopelessness makes...
Top 10 happy music
I heard, Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow by Fleetwood Mac the other day and realised how irresistibly positive the tune and lyrics were. Make your own top 10 list of the songs that leave you feeling upbeat and full of joy. Just be aware that they may not have the...
Bounce back
Everyone faces challenges and trauma at some point. Strengthen your capacity to bounce back quickly to previous levels of emotional wellbeing. Be confident of your strengths. Develop some emotional literacy so you can manage your own and other’s feelings. Above all...
Make a happy workplace
Work can be a major sources of happiness yet often isn’t. Lots of people just sleep walk at work. Research shows that flourishing teams, successful on a range of economic/business measures, are fundamentally different from languishing teams in three ways: Positive to...
Reasons to be cheerful
Happier, richer and a bit fatter. . . . Wealth, environment, good government and community spirit all contribute to our ratings on life satisfaction scales. People in the West are on average more satisfied with their lives than ever before. Some room for improvement...
Broaden and build
Bad feelings protect us from danger. What good are pleasant feelings? Research by Fredrickson shows that positive emotions broaden our vision. We make more creative connections and face problems more effectively. Seeking out positive feelings builds us into better...
Top 10 happy films
We know that people perform better mentally after watching a film that makes them laugh compared to viewing something more miserable. Have to hand a set of happiness inducing movies. Everyone will make different choices. I’ve mentioned It’s a Wonderful Life which I...
Big society?
There’s been a lot of talk about this idea of forming partnerships with philanthropists, charities, businesses and social investors to develop new services. The aim is to make it easier to support local communities by giving time, expertise or money. How can you...