Everything could go right…
People say, “Worrying is natural, everything could go wrong”. I say, “People really believe that nonsense?” Worrying is like going into a bank and saying, “I don’t have an account but I want to pay you interest in case I owe you money some day.” Nuts, huh? People say...
Never had it so good?
A politician lost his job saying this, so let’s check. How is your life better today than your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents? Life is better in numerous ways – advances in medicine, you keep your own teeth, your life expectancy has gone up, your...
Cherish the moment
OK, what are you doing right now? Well, you are reading this. What else? Thinking about the day ahead, reliving mistakes from yesterday, grudges from the past, fears of tomorrow? STOP right there. You have this one perfect moment in time that you will never have...
Pollyanna Or Eeyore?
Being happy isn’t always about giggling or having ‘blue birds on your shoulder’. Pollyanna’s relentless happiness could get irritating. Goldie Hawn’s bubbliness isn’t everyone’s style. Old Eeyore in the Pooh Bear stories specialises in gloom but he still has a set of...