Rush, rush, rush. . .I often have real concern in organisations when I see people lurch from one frenetic activity to the next, taking little opportunity to sit back and reflect on what and how they are doing. It often makes for bad business due to tunnel vision. Perhaps more importantly it can also rob you of happiness. Women are especially likely to pile more and more on their plates at work and then go home and start all over again. I’m not asking you to stop. I don’t want to do that myself because I really enjoy most of my activities ( well, then again – tax?) I just want to ask you to take a moment to yourself: So, what are you doing right now? Well, you are reading this. What else? Thinking about the day ahead, reliving mistakes from yesterday, grudges from the past, fears from tomorrow? STOP right there. You have this one perfect moment in time that you will never have again. Look around you, really see your environment – and where you are in your life. Don’t judge. Just observe. Don’t say, ‘it’s such a grey day’, look at how many shades of grey there are. Fully engage with this instant and cherish it forever. Enjoy your observations for a moment before you return to the fray. Develop a habit of making time stop momentarily while you become fully aware of life. Your brain and sanity will thank you for it.