A career, a family, or both, what do women want?
Listen to Averil taking part in the discussion in the Global Russian Radio Service- the Voice of Russia.
Give girls better role models
Last month the Girl Guide Association published a follow-up to its 2011 study: Girls Attitude Survey. More than half of the 11 to 21-year olds who responded think there aren’t enough female role models. You may think this is an outdated organisation, but surprisingly...Which part of a women’s anatomy is her best asset?
On the front page of The Sunday Times this week, there were 2 main headlines: Thousands of doctors face the sack and Oh No! Volleyball cover up. There are serious issues with funding a comprehensive NHS and as a result, doctors and nurses may be forced to sign new...
Is a pay-gap audit the only way forward?
Despite equal-pay legislation being in place for 40 years, the UK gender pay gap remains one of the highest in the EU. On average women in the UK earn about 15% less than men. And in London the pay gap is higher at 23%. Lots of things contribute to it such as...
Zombie epidemic?
There was a bit of an uproar today about the use of tranquilisers by women. World Drug Report 2012, published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on Tuesday. The headlines read, ‘Stressed out women are turning to prescription drugs’. “Zombie epidemic’. ...