What’s love got to do with Leadership?
Beset by hearts and flowers in the run up to the commercialised day of love, we at White Water Group started to consider what love had to do with leadership. The work of a leader can sometimes make them feel particularly unloved, and loneliness is something we see in...
What’s love got to do with Leadership?
Beset by hearts and flowers in the run up to the commercialised day of love, we at White Water Group started to consider what love had to do with leadership. The work of a leader can sometimes make them feel particularly unloved, and loneliness is something we see in...
What New Year Resolutions teach us about Leadership
New Year Resolutions – Are we there yet? So it is the 13th day of the year (or perhaps the 14th if you pick this up on Monday) and about 50% of us will have made formal New Year Resolutions. Depending on which study you read, 60-90% will fail within six months, with...