Book Review: Leadership Coaching, ed. by J. Passmore
We promised you some book reviews so here is the first one! Feel free to contribute your own or to point us towards other good reads by commenting on this post… It is always tricky to review a book written by a colleague: if you enthuse about it you can be accused of...Champagne!
On Thursday we received a couple of plain looking boxes without any content indication. A few minutes later screams all-round: our latest book had finally been published! So on Friday we trotted to London’s National Portrait Gallery for a Champagne Tea celebration....
Transforming People
When I am asked what I do as a Leadership Psychologist, I often say, ‘I transform people’. Regularly, people in a variety of social situations will reply with the statement, often framed as a question, ‘Yes, but people don’t really change, do they?’ Inside, I wonder...