Lottery Advice
I was asked today by the BBC to comment on the fact that a couple from Cirencester just won £56 million on the Euro lottery. They asked what advice I would give. So far this couple Nigel and Justine don’t look like they need advice. They are talking reasonably about...Ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch
This week’s smile comes from Frank Zappa’s album cover which he himself borrowed from Roger Price’s Droodles. The message, obviously, is that timing is everything. As the current recession slowly washes away, one of the lagging indicators will be – as usual – the...
Visible leadership: when do you stop digging and say sorry?
After many years of observing great and not-so-great leaders, I have come to the conclusion that the ability to say sorry in a meaningful way is one of the key strengths of enduring leaders. I have also observed that only those leaders that can retain a certain...
Lessons from Mae
I was given the book, ‘Mae West She Always Knew How’ A Biography by Charlotte Chandlerat Christmas and I am only just beginning to dip into it now. The ‘Come up and see me some time’ lines of her character Diamond Lil are universally recognised but I was fascinated to...