This article, which François co-authored with his fellow MBA alumni, stresses the need for innovation in MBA programmes to ensure their future relevance as well as the continued nurturing and development of tomorrow’s leaders. The renowned scholar Henry Mintzberg, who is a professor at McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management, adds that he believes the very definition of management lies at the heart of the issue: management should be viewed as a practice (and not a science) that is a holistic combination of art, science and craft. Management education taught as a practice should result in tomorrow’s leaders being capable of confronting real-life situations creatively and with the technical skills acquired from their innovative MBA programme. The piece in the FT is a product of François’ participation as a panellist at McGill University’s MBA NEXT 50 conference entitled ‘Loyalty Through the Eyes of Generations Y & Z’ earlier this year. The discussion explored the differences between these two generations and their predecessors as well as questioning how to build customer and employee loyalty for Millennials, who are tomorrow’s leaders. To read more on the management of Gens Y and Z, click here.