Choose life
Aristotle said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence”. Aristotle knew a thing or two but his ideas have taken a while to catch on! Those who have to fight daily for survival, security and sustenance would love to...
Express yourself
If you ever go to a funeral, you find people standing round talking about the qualities of the deceased. I always wonder, did they say these things when the person was alive and they had the chance? What did a stiff upper lip do for you? Go on. Tell people you care....
Make vivid pictures
Our worst memories are always very powerful, partly because we go over and over, reliving them, making their image strong. We re-experience the emotions, sensations and often tell our story to others, ensuring these images are seared into our brains. Try locking in...
Pay attention – to the good stuff
People are prey to dysfunctional thinking while remaining fairly normal on the outside. One of these is a problem psychologists call ‘selective perception’. An example: someone tells you they have bought a new car and name a make you are unfamiliar with. Weirdly as...
Always look on the bright side of life
I am not asking you to be stupid here and overlook the challenges of life but no matter what situation you are in, you will do better if you can find optimism and hope, the possibility of a better future or a way through the tough times. At a bad time in my life,...
Have a happy heart
Love and happiness are firmly entwined. Many people spend their lives looking for love, hoping for love, expecting to be loved and being disappointed. The only control you have is over your own love. You can’t make anyone love you. All you can do is work at loving...
Be a good consumer
We are fortunate to live in a time and culture of plenty, unlike many other parts of the world. But materialism isn’t always an effective route to happiness. Research indicates that just buying things because you want them can leave you less satisfied with life and...
Start from the inside out
“The one who would be in constant happiness must frequently change.” Confucius. In pursuing happiness, it is easy to chase after the external when in fact the major obstacles to happiness lie within. Understand yourself. How do you compare to other people in your...
Happiness is right here
Everyone nowadays, whether dancing on ice or becoming a pop idol talks about being “on a journey”. Happiness isn’t a destination. It is right here, right now. Sit still, go nowhere and just think about what is making you happy in this instant. As I write, the sun is...
Make links
It’s easy to become isolated or part of a small circle, especially in modern communities. We need people to talk to, to love, to confide in, to share with and to live with. Strong social bonds with people ensure happiness. Those involved with society report even...