⅔ now favour quotas and want men more involved A year ago the long-awaited Lord Davies report on women on boards came out and made specific recommendations to reach 25% female participation on the boards of FTSE350 companies. So we thought we’d ask women on the frontline what change they had experienced over the last 12 months. Here is the exclusive early analysis of a White Water survey of the top 100 women’s networks in the UK. They represent tens of thousands of women at all levels of management: • TWO THIRDS of women interviewed have seen NO CHANGE in the opportunities for women in their companies • Over TWO THIRDS think that if will take up to 20 years to reach 30% women in the executive suite (20% think it will take even longer!) • TWO THIRDS conclude that QUOTAS will be NEEDED to achieve change In any democracy, ⅔ is the supermajority needed to bring on fundamental change… is this what women in management are now asking for? So what is the ONE THING that would make a difference? We are still analysing the rich and diverse responses, but one that keeps coming back is: “to involve men at the top more deeply and visibly” Let us know what you think by contacting us or by commenting on our Facebook page…