Do women lack confidence in life and work?
François on BBC Radio 4 answered the question: ‘Do women lack confidence in life and work?’ Listen to the podcast. The news snippet only describes the problem but confidence can be managed and, as our leadership programmes show each time, permanently...
Averil is talking to BBC’s Fred McAulay tomorrow morning
Averil is talking to BBC’s Fred McAulay tomorrow morning, following an article by Eddie Mair where he describes meetings at the BBC, saying humorously that staff priorities are: “1) Try to have a meeting; 2) If you’re not having a meeting, you should be...
Averil Leimon Talks Career Change
Read Averil Leimon’s latest interview for the online magazine ‘Women Talking’. “With the arrival of 2014, many women are seeking a change of career. How sensible this is depends on their skills, circumstances and perceptions. Patricia...
LOCO and Birds Eye View present ‘KILLER DIALOGUE’
Averil Leimon will be part of ‘KILLER DIALOGUE AND THE ART OF REPRESENTATION’ at the LOCO – The London Comedy Film Festival and Birds Eye View Film Festival on 26th January. Click here to see the whole programme.
Working Families National Work Life Week Podcasts
Averil is one of the National Work Life Week Podcast Contributors – ‘Whose balance is it anyway? How to focus the energy of your internal dialogue’. Click here to register and listen to the podcasts.
Healthy Travel Summit: International Expert Interview Series
Averil is one of the seven experts interviewed for the Healthy Travel Summit: International Expert Interview Series. Essential listening for those of you who travel regularly for business. Click here and listen to what she says about business travels and resilience....
More women partners make firms more profitable for all
Another interesting article from Averil Leimon about Gender Diversity and women in law firms. Published in ManagingPartner Magazine.
“Coaching Women to Lead” review
“Coaching Women to Lead” review on July/August number of Coaching at Work.
Women: The competitive advantage?
Read what Averil has to say (on pg3) in this issue of the BSA magazine about women in the workplace.
Bimbo, ball-breaker or queen bee? Averil in the Evening Standard
Female stereotyping at work can be very damaging and can hold women back……