Blackberries or Crème de Mure? iPhone or iSpy?
It is the holiday season and the debate continues. Should you or should you not check your e-mails while you are on holiday? Aren’t you meant to be ‘getting away from it all’? The Mail on line ran a story about managers returning even more stressed from holiday...
10 Lessons on Surviving Change
We often forget that ‘good’ change – the type we choose for ourselves can add to stress levels just as much as changes perceived as ‘bad’. Moving house, getting married, having children are usually on the good list – activities we have consciously chosen. Yet they...
3 tips for being more confident by Averil Leimon
Averil Leimon gives 3 helpful tips to help women be more confident with themselves and advance in their careers. Watch the video below in order to push your confidence to the next level.
Career women: It takes a village to raise a child
A very personal story by Averil Leimon They say ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ yet many modern women seem to assume almost total responsibility for the survival and well-being of their infants with a secondary role somewhere for the father. I meet women all...
Blonde bombshell or working mother of two? – Benefits and pitfalls of stereotyping
Many moons ago the Glasgow Herald, headlined me as ‘tempting fate’ – when reporting that a company had hired ‘the services of an attractive 32-year old industrial psychologist in order to “stress-proof” the top management team’… Stereotyping works as a quick way of...
If it’s good enough for plastic bags, it’s good enough for women
Let’s talk about plastic bags. Last year the law came into place and we had to pay for them. Cue bemused shoppers, who could easily afford 5 pence, staggering out of shops with their arms full of goods or shelling out the money and doing the walk of shame as they...
Women – confident or arrogant? It’s a choice
My heart sank recently when working with a group of young women. They were fantastic, talented, vibrant but yet again talking about how low their confidence was especially when it came to putting themselves and their ideas forward. Time and again women talk of this...
CEO for a Day! – New research on culture change
Today White Water Group presented the findings of its latest research project: CEO for a Day! We asked UK executives how they saw the future for business and how company culture should change to support this. The result is a mix of modernised business principles and...Stereotypes and Authentic Leadership
Typical woman! Typical man! Life would be too complex if we didn’t use stereotypes to slip everyone into pigeonholes. We have so much data coming at us all the time that we simplify through classification, without even knowing what we are doing. Much of the time...
Stereotypes and Authentic Leadership
Typical woman! Typical man! Life would be too complex if we didn’t use stereotypes to slip everyone into pigeonholes. We have so much data coming at us all the time that we simplify through classification, without even knowing what we are doing. Much of the time...