Coaching Women to Lead
A book …
For years we resisted the idea of a different coaching approach for women: we thought that coaching women in business had to be gender neutral, at the risk of diminishing its focus and its effectiveness.
However, the more we coached senior women, the more we realised that the same specific themes kept coming back. We also looked at the proportion of women in senior executive roles and were appalled by the sheer waste of talent. There was definitely something worth investigating… So we embarked on a research programme to find practical answers to three questions:
- Are there objective reasons to treat women differently in coaching?
- What should women be coached about and at what stage of their career?
- Are there any techniques and approaches that work particularly well when coaching women?
Coaching Women To Lead is the result of this project, carried out jointly with the London School of Economics. This second edition brings it up to speed with our new ways of working and the impact of millennials-turned-managers on organisational culture and leadership requirements. It includes new interviews, new research and practical insight on building your own business case.
… coaching for women at all career stages
We work with women leaders at each stage of their life and career. We know which themes are likely to be important, which issues have to be confronted and which decisions have to be made. Every senior woman should be coached one-to-one, for reasons which are obvious from the book.
More junior women can also benefit from dedicated coaching as well as our excellent women in business programme.
To find out more, call us on +44 (0) 20 7036 8899 or email