“Run politician run”: the other marathon
Today’s politicians are fit for purpose. What does it say about business leaders and their responsibility to keep their business in shape? As if a six-week campaign was not gruelling enough, I was astounded to learn that all three British big party leaders had...Trains, boats, planes, taxis and volcanoes
Aren’t people amazing? Faced with the unprecedented situation of volcanic ash filling the skies but invisible to our eyes during the traditional Easter holidays, chaos ensues. But you can’t keep a good person down. Instead of staying put and watching the holiday money...Bullying at the highest levels – Call in the ‘soft’ experts!
Alleged bullying at a high level has been much in the news in the last week or so. We often only think of bullying in connection with the more junior and most vulnerable in the organisation. Not so. Over the last six months I have seen a few breathtaking instances of...The Rabbi’s leadership wisdom
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to one of my friends’ son’s Bar Mitzvah. These are usually exciting affairs: lots of symbolism, proud parents and a good party afterwards. However, I was, as usual, dreading two things: an overlong service (typically twice as long...
Lessons from Mae
I was given the book, ‘Mae West She Always Knew How’ A Biography by Charlotte Chandlerat Christmas and I am only just beginning to dip into it now. The ‘Come up and see me some time’ lines of her character Diamond Lil are universally recognised but I was fascinated to...