Grow your own women
It is expensive to recruit and then lose women to your competitors. How do you ensure they stay and rise through the ranks, effectively balancing your gender profile as they go? If you don’t truly understand why they leave, nothing changes. If you don’t have a plan...
Recruiting more women makes everyone richer
The maths of gender diversity: Evidence from the City is that women are performing at least as well as men in fund management, the law, insurance, and banking. It is equally true in ‘real’ industries outside the City. So how do you convince those in power to pay more...
Gender Diversity is key to ESG
Getting it right scores across multiple dimensions: Getting ESG right is complicated as so many factors and activities are intertwined. You need to be seen to do the right thing. Acting on Gender Diversity is highly effective and has a high signalling value. We will...
ESG is here to stay
Ignoring it will hurt your pocket: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) value drivers first emerged from a UN conference in 2005. Over time it has become an important filter for investors and employees. But what is it exactly and who does it apply to? What are...
Should You Discuss How Much You Earn With Friends?
Talking about salary can be seen as a taboo in some societies. However as friends play an important role in our life, can discussing salary with them be beneficial in the long run? Averil expresses her point of view on salary talks but also emphasizes the implications...
Choosing an executive coach for women
I believe all senior women should have executive coaches. They have complex lives and are still likely to be so in the minority at the highest levels that a trusted relationship is essential. Yet women take up developmental opportunities less than men – often because...
Leadership and Resilience: Sometimes we just need the proof
There are many ways to convince somebody that changing a behaviour might be a good idea. In most cases the simple rational argument is not enough; nor are appeals to emotions or shock tactics. Usually a combination of several factors lines up and we move from...
Happiness in the UK
The Office of National Statistics have just released its 2016 figures on happiness in the UK. Needless to say, people immediately went and tagged one town ‘the unhappiest in the UK’ slightly missing and also proving a point. Hear Averil talking about this on the...
Averil was on BBC West Midlands radio discussing positivity.
According to Noel Edmonds, in the long run, negative emotions can lead to illness, and even cancer. What does Averil think about this? Listen to this quick recording to gain more insight into this topic.
Averil was interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland on 27th April on the following theme: workers ‘slagging off’ their bosses
Averil was interviewed by Mhairi Stuart on the following theme: workers ‘slagging off’ their bosses. Have you missed it ? Hit the play button to listen to the clip from Wednesday 27th April.