Be a shining star
Have you ever watched a toddler attempt to learn something? Walking? Piling up bricks? Learning to talk? They work hard, pursuing success with focus and attention that is humbling to observe. Later in life, we can be a bit half-hearted about achieving new skills. We...
Give it time
Older isn’t just wiser. It is happier too. Research shows that happiness and optimism peak in your 70s and 80s. People are often less happy in their middle years because they get bogged down in responsibilities and anxiety but then well-being rises for the rest of...
Free gifts!
In Hamburg at the Christmas markets, we saw a group of students with ‘Free Hugs!’ banners. Everyone was studiously ignoring them, going about their serious shopping. Speaking halting German, the six of us went and claimed our free hugs from each of them. We made...
Reciprocity and good turns
You never know when you are ‘entertaining angels unawares’. When you encounter someone and have the opportunity to do them good, you have no idea if anything good will come from it for you in return. Do it anyway. The world is a small place, really. When you make an...
Dealing with grudges
Is there someone you resent? When their name comes up does that feeling boil up again. Where did this come from? How long has it been going on? How does it affect you? By holding this grudge are you making a difference? If stuck, draw a circle in the middle of a page....
Build your support system
“All who would win joy must share it, happiness was born a twin” Lord Byron. If you want to be sure that you have a solid support system for times of need, invest in other people’s happiness and well-being now. Studies of really happy people always show that they have...
Love to learn
Be open to new experiences as they can bring a fresh intensity and interest to your life. Train yourself to be more inquisitive. Don’t take anything at face value. Ask yourself, and others a myriad of questions. Be intrigued by the past, the present and the future....
Make people happy
It is hard to resist a smile. While smiling inanely and inappropriately is to be avoided, the science of facial expressions tells us that when face muscles are stimulated electrically to replicate different facial expressions, the subject reports feeling the emotions...
Make a connection
Technology connects us instantaneously with global events and the plight of others around the world. We can feel their pain but we can also experience joy at a distance. Writing at the time of the Royal Wedding in the UK, it is clear that people crave the opportunity...
Find Zest
Dictionary definitions: enthusiasm, energy, excitement, piquancy. Zest correlates highly with happiness. Realistically, you may have to spend a fair amount of time in dutiful activities. Commit as much time to the activities which make your energy surge. In fact, try...