Make a happy workplace
Work can be a major sources of happiness yet often isn’t. Lots of people just sleep walk at work. Research shows that flourishing teams, successful on a range of economic/business measures, are fundamentally different from languishing teams in three ways: Positive to...
Reasons to be cheerful
Happier, richer and a bit fatter. . . . Wealth, environment, good government and community spirit all contribute to our ratings on life satisfaction scales. People in the West are on average more satisfied with their lives than ever before. Some room for improvement...
Broaden and build
Bad feelings protect us from danger. What good are pleasant feelings? Research by Fredrickson shows that positive emotions broaden our vision. We make more creative connections and face problems more effectively. Seeking out positive feelings builds us into better...
Top 10 happy films
We know that people perform better mentally after watching a film that makes them laugh compared to viewing something more miserable. Have to hand a set of happiness inducing movies. Everyone will make different choices. I’ve mentioned It’s a Wonderful Life which I...
Big society?
There’s been a lot of talk about this idea of forming partnerships with philanthropists, charities, businesses and social investors to develop new services. The aim is to make it easier to support local communities by giving time, expertise or money. How can you...
See others’ strengths
Some people just wind us up. They have annoying ways. You feel frustrated and angry. They rob you of happiness. So ask yourself: What is it difficult people do? List their, no-doubt annoying, behaviours. What is it they want? To get their own way, to win, to make it...
Make memories
Why do memories of childhood and our youth remain vivid while many of the ensuing years don’t leave much of a mark? One theory is that these were our first encounters, so sensations were strong. Later, we get jaded and don’t notice repeat experiences as they are not...
In a perfect world
People consider it normal to think “What’s the worst that can happen?” scaring themselves miserably as a result. Any time you imagine disaster looming take a moment to indulge in “What’s the absolute fantasy perfect world best that can happen?” If you are giving a...
You are not alone
Who could you call at 4:00am if you needed to talk about your troubles? If you can immediately give a name then chances are you will live longer and happier than someone who has no close confidantes. Loneliness is seriously damaging. One of your life’s goals must be...
Perfect vs Good enough
The world is divided into ‘maximisers’ and ‘satisficers’. Maximisers make you move tables three times in a restaurant till they, notionally, have the best one. Satisficers tend to know when things are good enough and can get on and enjoy their meal while maximisers...