The end of hierarchy? Circles in the sky…
The way we work is changing, yet our organisations remain the same – for now. If you have followed our recent research or blog you will have noticed two things: The interests of Gen Y and women are converging: both ask us to rethink the nature of work. For example to...
Move over – I’m smarter! What do today’s leaders need to know about managing tomorrow’s leaders?
I’ve just returned from McGill University where I participated in a debate about Millennials and loyalty. Gen Yers typically get bad press: they are seen as smart and connected but fickle and hard to please. So what do we, as leaders, need to know and do to engage and...
Neuroscience and Leadership: it’s all about behaviours, not pretty pictures
Modern Neuroscience rocks. It is described as the latest panacea in explaining ‘why we do what we do’. Conferences and books are adorned with colour scans of brains lighting up in real time when associated with certain emotions. All very entertaining, but also in...
In praise of imperfection
In the past week, every football manager involved in the World Cup has announced his squad. A mix of conservatism and daring. The story that gathered most headlines was that of the French coach Didier Deschamps omitting two stars from the line-up. Quite a departure...
Step away from the 5:2, drop the e-cigarette and…
Look forward to working with you in 2014. Averil, François and all at White Water Group
Step away from the 5:2, drop the e-cigarette and…
Look forward to working with you in 2014. Averil, François and all at White Water Group
Merry Christmas
Like many companies these days, we like to give money to charity at Christmas rather than spend it on Christmas cards.Our preferred charity over the last few years has been the Lynedoch Creche which ‘creates space for up to 70 preschoolers for healing,...
A leadership compass for the Philippines catastrophe
Exceptional circumstances call for exceptional leadership What started as a strong gust of wind supposed to cause mainly material damage rapidly escalated into a crisis of the scale of the Japanese or Indonesian tsunamis. Beyond the human tragedy, I have noticed two...
Wine making and leadership: pick your strategy carefully…
October typically represents the lull between the harvest season in the Northern hemisphere and the release of the Beaujolais nouveau in late November. A perfect time to attend a wine tasting organized by the good people at Bordeaux Index. As the evening progressed, I...
Yom Kippur, forgiveness and leadership
Tonight, for Jews around the world, marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, a 25 hour fast and Day of Atonement. It is not an isolated event but rather the culmination of 10 days of preparation for the new Jewish year. Although it can be seen as a deeply sad day punctuated...