Second Hand Stress
I was asked for some expert comment on the radio about second hand stress. A recent study claims that stress is as contagious as the common cold and that you can actually ‘catch’ other people’s anxieties. Passive or second hand stress can become...When Networking is about life and death…
This week I went to see the excellent play A British Subject at the Arts Theatre in London. It’s a classic tale of miscarriage of justice and forgetting inconvenient truths in the name of realpolitik . It is based on the true story of Mirza Tahir Hussain, a Leeds...When Networking is about life and death…
This week I went to see the excellent play A British Subject at the Arts Theatre in London. It’s a classic tale of miscarriage of justice and forgetting inconvenient truths in the name of realpolitik . It is based on the true story of Mirza Tahir Hussain, a Leeds...Selling Women Cheap?
More women directors will rein in excessive pay, says David Cameron – The Guardian I know Halloween is traditionally a day for disguise but I am not sure what this notion is masquerading as. Always eager to see support for more women on boards, I was interested...Flexibility and Talent
This week, clients have told me two things that have occurred in their businesses. Either could make a considerable change for women. Here’s the first: A certain bank recently canvassed its employees on the topic of flexibility. Interestingly, when the results were...
Claire Smith
Non Exec Director for Mott MacDonald, a firm she considers to be ‘ethical, decent, highly professional, quietly improving lives worldwide through transforming infrastructure and services. Claire retired early from the Diplomatic Service in 2007, having joined in 1979,...