Averil speaks at Leadership Foundation for Higher Education – Aurora Conference
On 21st April, Averil spoke to the Aurora Champions Role Models & Mentors Conference – organised by The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. She spoke for one hour on the subjects of Gender Diversity, Women, Men and Organisational Culture.
Averil a panellist at the She’s Back event at News UK Building, 30th April
Averil was a panellist at the She’s Back Event on 30th April. The Panel which included Matthew D’Ancona, Richard Punt, Cilla Snowball & Sarah Wood discussed the multitude of barriers that women meet when returning to work after maternity leave, as...All about women – Averil interviewed by Elaine Ball, CEO of EBTM
In today’s business world, we are hearing more and more about the glass ceiling and how women are on less pay then their male counterparts. Confidence is an issue with women generally and women have more to multi task, compared to their male colleagues. Are women...

Working Families 35th Anniversary Dinner – Reform Club, Pall Mall, November 12th 2014
White Water Group supports Working Families, the UK’s leading work-life balance organisation and a registered charity. The Charity celebrates its 35th Anniversary in 2014, and to mark this occasion it threw a dinner, fittingly, at The Reform Club; the first...
Neuroscience and Leadership: it’s all about behaviours, not pretty pictures
Modern Neuroscience rocks. It is described as the latest panacea in explaining ‘why we do what we do’. Conferences and books are adorned with colour scans of brains lighting up in real time when associated with certain emotions. All very entertaining, but also in...
In praise of imperfection
In the past week, every football manager involved in the World Cup has announced his squad. A mix of conservatism and daring. The story that gathered most headlines was that of the French coach Didier Deschamps omitting two stars from the line-up. Quite a departure...
The train picnic
The train was packed this morning. Not enough room to read the paper. Trying to zone out by visualising a distant beach where this heat would be pleasant when the slurping broke through my reverie. A smartly dressed business woman standing beside me was eating a...
A leadership compass for the Philippines catastrophe
Exceptional circumstances call for exceptional leadership What started as a strong gust of wind supposed to cause mainly material damage rapidly escalated into a crisis of the scale of the Japanese or Indonesian tsunamis. Beyond the human tragedy, I have noticed two...
Yom Kippur, forgiveness and leadership
Tonight, for Jews around the world, marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, a 25 hour fast and Day of Atonement. It is not an isolated event but rather the culmination of 10 days of preparation for the new Jewish year. Although it can be seen as a deeply sad day punctuated...