Leadership Minute: Optimism and Leadership
There are many benefits when people experience positive emotions, that’s what science tells us. Indeed, optimists make better leaders, except in one critical area… François explains it all in this Leadership Minute.
Don’t stand so close to me…
No, not the song by The Police, but the joys of commuting. Averil looks at the psychology of being squashed in a light hearted way on BBC Radio Scotland.
Women in the press . . .
Only last week I brought to the office an article written in the ‘80s about serious work with stressed execs in the public sector. My colleague and I were referred to as ‘executive sweets’. How attractive we were mattered more than our professionalism. The editor of...
Loving in the workplace
As all the red roses droop, the hearts and balloons are put away for another year and the public displays of intimacy are past, we are thinking about what it takes for leaders to foster true relationships in the workplace. Do we set a calendar date to tell people how...
From Adam Smith to Holacracy : The Art of Measurement.
If you want to change the way organisations are run, you can’t simply walk into a room full of successful executives and tell them they’re wrong. You need to ‘show them the money’. For the past few years, there has to be a groundswell of new organisational models...
Bringing in the bacon and bringing up baby
I answered the home phone and was asked if the caller could speak to the main breadwinner. I expressed some irritation and declined the conversation. Partly I wasn’t entirely sure who was and I certainly wasn’t content to hand over to my husband, if I worked it out to...
Women can save us from the Leadership Cliff. Coaching them is key
As companies compete for emerging leadership talent, women represent an under-used resource. It is bad enough from a moral standpoint, but it is also a genuine loss of competitive advantage in the war for Talent. According to our research, the industrial world will be...
(De)-focused leadership?
In the moments before I took the call asking me to speak on BBC Radio about Focus, I had been: commenting on a family WhatsApp conversation, checking my phone messages, updating Facebook, reading e-mails, catching up on LinkedIn; and feeling guilty about not tweeting...