Leadership in Classical Music
There is a fascinating parallel between the professionalisation of management and the rise and fall of big Conductor personalities… In this week’s ‘Music Matters’ on BBC Radio 3, Averil Leimon sets the scene for a discussion about power in art....
Coaching blog: Do you really think that people can change?
The oldest joke in Psychology is: “How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?” The answer, of course, is “only one but the lightbulb needs to really want to change.” Do you, really, at a visceral level, believe that people can...
Don’t step on my Blue Suede Shoes (but don’t mind if I step on yours…)
What do Wynonie Harris, Arthur Crudup and Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton have in common? – They all did the hard work but Elvis got the credit (and the royalties). In the 50s, black american rock and blues music was segregated to the R&B charts. These served as...
Leadership Minute: Optimism and Leadership
There are many benefits when people experience positive emotions, that’s what science tells us. Indeed, optimists make better leaders, except in one critical area… François explains it all in this Leadership Minute.
From Adam Smith to Holacracy : The Art of Measurement.
If you want to change the way organisations are run, you can’t simply walk into a room full of successful executives and tell them they’re wrong. You need to ‘show them the money’. For the past few years, there has to be a groundswell of new organisational models...
Leadership and Resilience: Sometimes we just need the proof
There are many ways to convince somebody that changing a behaviour might be a good idea. In most cases the simple rational argument is not enough; nor are appeals to emotions or shock tactics. Usually a combination of several factors lines up and we move from...
Influence can change the world: the role of social psychology in coaching
Last week I had the good fortune to meet a postgraduate class studying organisational and social psychology at the LSE to discuss the practical applications of various strands of psychology in coaching. This blog is the first in a series building on this conversation....
An inconvenient truth
This week being Passover, I revisited a post from a couple of years ago, The Rabbi’s leadership wisdom. In it, I debated the relationship between ‘telling it like it is’ and unintended consequences: in corporate life, like in real life, the messenger bears in part the...
Leadership Minute: The magical number for changing habits by François Moscovici
Instilling new behaviours and changing habits are fundamental actions to enhance your organisation’s performance. Good leaders should bear in mind one key number when fostering organisational change. Watch this video to find out what it is.
Avoiding Groupthink – How do you do it? – The Leadership Minute
The problem with groupthink is that you don’t know it’s happening! Yet this widespread phenomenon is highly damaging in business or politics, as we have seen recently. Is there a way to overcome this? – François shares two tips in the latest installment of our...