Stress Awareness Day: Are you at risk?
Today is National Stress Awareness Day. We’ll spare you the (dismal) statistics and simply make the following observations relevant to corporate life: – Pressure is good, stress is bad for you and for your business – Presenteeism (working while you...
The time of the cohort has arrived
Readers of this blog will already be familiar with the concept of the Leadership Cliff: the fact that more leaders are retiring and there are simply not enough potential replacements. Our approach has been to look at the sources of new leaders and how to engage and...
What New Year Resolutions teach us about Leadership
New Year Resolutions – Are we there yet? So it is the 13th day of the year (or perhaps the 14th if you pick this up on Monday) and about 50% of us will have made formal New Year Resolutions. Depending on which study you read, 60-90% will fail within six months, with...
What New Year Resolutions teach us about Leadership
New Year Resolutions – Are we there yet? So it is the 13th day of the year (or perhaps the 14th if you pick this up on Monday) and about 50% of us will have made formal New Year Resolutions. Depending on which study you read, 60-90% will fail within six months, with...The wrong kind of End Of The World
If you are reading this, it means that the world has not ended, yet. Either the prediction was wrong, or it is for December 21st. We think that both are wrong and NASA supports us… Of course, some of you may think that the end of the word is preferable to Christmas...The wrong kind of End Of The World
If you are reading this, it means that the world has not ended, yet. Either the prediction was wrong, or it is for December 21st. We think that both are wrong and NASA supports us… Of course, some of you may think that the end of the word is preferable to Christmas...Corporate Tax Dodging: Visible Leadership needed
Am I the only one wondering about the ‘silly season’ flavour to the story about Starbucks & friends not paying their fair share of corporation tax? Obviously said corporations are not helping themselves by being paralysed by PR fear and looking greedy...
OBAMA – The All-Weather Leader
Congratulations to Obama on winning his second term at the White House last week. So how did he manage to ride the disappointment from ‘hope’ to dealing with the deepest economic crisis in living memory? How did he keep leading through bad times? And are leaders born...