Averil special guest speaker at M&C Saatchi’s : ‘IPA Women of Tomorrow 2016’ Campaign launch dinner
M&C Saatchi were working with the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) on an initiative that aims to identify and champion the next generation of female leaders in the advertising industry. ‘Women of Tomorrow’ is an annual scheme that recognises and...
Averil Leimon keynote speaker at British American Business Women’s Forum
Averil was keynote speaker at British American Business Women’s Forum Annual Conference on November 11th, at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, in London. Other speakers were from University of Chicago Booth, Willis Group, United Airlines,...
International deal of the year 2015 – François at the 2015 M&A Awards Ceremony
Celebrating the achievements of dealmakers, management teams, financiers and professional advisers, The M&A Awards are one of the most highly respected events in the market; White Water Group are one of just five corporate sponsors. François presented the award...
Averil speaks at Leadership Foundation for Higher Education – Aurora Conference
On 21st April, Averil spoke to the Aurora Champions Role Models & Mentors Conference – organised by The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. She spoke for one hour on the subjects of Gender Diversity, Women, Men and Organisational Culture.
Averil a panellist at the She’s Back event at News UK Building, 30th April
Averil was a panellist at the She’s Back Event on 30th April. The Panel which included Matthew D’Ancona, Richard Punt, Cilla Snowball & Sarah Wood discussed the multitude of barriers that women meet when returning to work after maternity leave, as...
Redefining Success – François on expert panel at LBS 15th Annual Women in Business Conference
On Friday 13th March, François was a panellist at the London Business School’s 15th Annual Women in Business Conference. During an animated discussion on partnerships between men and women, François shared his insight on engaging men who find it difficult to...
Working Families 35th Anniversary Dinner – Reform Club, Pall Mall, November 12th 2014
White Water Group supports Working Families, the UK’s leading work-life balance organisation and a registered charity. The Charity celebrates its 35th Anniversary in 2014, and to mark this occasion it threw a dinner, fittingly, at The Reform Club; the first...
The Great Coutts Debate
“This House believes that positive discrimination for women is no longer necessary”. I chose to oppose the motion but I could have argued for either side. Here is the gist of my five minute speech: “On the face of it, I am in absolute agreement with the proposers....