Women’s Leadership: The Full Life by Averil Leimon
Having a work-life balance can be extremely challenging. Instead, Averil Leimon emphasises the importance of having a full life. This video provides you with the tips you need in order to have a happier and more balanced life.
Acting for Impact
Matt Beresford, Senior Expert & Theatre Director The key principles of acting are a useful tool when considering how to enhance impact. Unfortunately, acting carries with it many misconceptions. At the most basic level, we think of acting as simply pretence...
Happiness in the UK
The Office of National Statistics have just released its 2016 figures on happiness in the UK. Needless to say, people immediately went and tagged one town ‘the unhappiest in the UK’ slightly missing and also proving a point. Hear Averil talking about this on the...
Fight club for Women?
I have been banging on about women for a long time. . . .a very long time. Amazing what turns up if you Google yourself. That press cutting came from 1983 and was my public speaking debut. I remember it well, even that I was wearing a fabulous cream trouser suit with...
Dancing in the moment
Rush, rush, rush. . .I often have real concern in organisations when I see people lurch from one frenetic activity to the next, taking little opportunity to sit back and reflect on what and how they are doing. It often makes for bad business due to tunnel vision....
Go with the flow?
Sounds a bit too hippy and laid back for modern leadership? According to positive psychologists, achieving a state of flow is the real key to effectiveness, creativity and sheer joy in your work. In flow, you have total concentration, time flies and you know you are...
Women’s Leadership: 3 tips for being more resilient by Averil Leimon
In this video, Averil focuses on Resilience. She provides 3 tips that will enable women to enhance their resilience and overcome challenges as they progress in their careers.
Leadership Minute: Courageous Conversations by François Moscovici
In this Leadership Minute, François Moscovici focuses on courageous conversations. This is particularly important for leaders to have them with their team members. Having the courage to handle them is a starting point but there is more to it.
The Happiness Formula
A bit of science: Happiness = S+C+V. S is your set range: the way you were born. Some of us are born a bit more grumpy, some a bit more cheerful. It maybe counts for 50% of your long term happiness. C is for circumstances, i.e. climate, wealth, health, marital status,...
Happiness & long life: wishful thinking or reality?
Wanting to improve your happiness may seem self-indulgent. Actually it’s a life saver. Studies show that happiness has a strong impact on how long you live, it could be 8 years more, and protects you against illness. This is comparable to the benefits of not smoking....