Because you’re worth it! – How to ask for a pay rise
Talking about money is a taboo subject, especially amongst women in the workplace it would seem. Recently Averil, along with other inspirational contributors, talked to Elle UK about navigating the waters when it came to the thorny issue of negotiating a pay rise....
Leading Millennials is exciting
I’m quite partial to millennials… Are you? Today the Telegraph interviews Averil and other experts on how to lead millennials. Views range from the ‘received wisdom’ of the Entitled Generation to more subtle cues on getting the best out of...
Alumni Breakfast series – Reinventing Leadership
Today we relaunched our Alumni Breakfast series. Thanks to all attendees. Here is a short video for those who could not make it. See you all next time!
But how do you really feel?
It has been a week of strongly held, fiercely expressed and often diametrically opposed emotions. Long repressed fury and grudges have kept pace with eulogies. Whatever your intellectual or political stance one thing has been clear. People have an enormous capacity...
What’s your mission?
Who are you? What difference can you make? Why are you here? Some people just know. Others are on a voyage of discovery. Open-minded exploration is fundamental to happiness. Pay attention and see patterns in your life. What central themes recur? When you pursue a...
Don’t step on my Blue Suede Shoes (but don’t mind if I step on yours…)
What do Wynonie Harris, Arthur Crudup and Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton have in common? – They all did the hard work but Elvis got the credit (and the royalties). In the 50s, black american rock and blues music was segregated to the R&B charts. These served as...
Choosing an executive coach for women
I believe all senior women should have executive coaches. They have complex lives and are still likely to be so in the minority at the highest levels that a trusted relationship is essential. Yet women take up developmental opportunities less than men – often because...
Leadership Minute: Optimism and Leadership
There are many benefits when people experience positive emotions, that’s what science tells us. Indeed, optimists make better leaders, except in one critical area… François explains it all in this Leadership Minute.
Don’t stand so close to me…
No, not the song by The Police, but the joys of commuting. Averil looks at the psychology of being squashed in a light hearted way on BBC Radio Scotland.
Women in the press . . .
Only last week I brought to the office an article written in the ‘80s about serious work with stressed execs in the public sector. My colleague and I were referred to as ‘executive sweets’. How attractive we were mattered more than our professionalism. The editor of...