Averil a panellist at the She’s Back event at News UK Building, 30th April
Averil was a panellist at the She’s Back Event on 30th April. The Panel which included Matthew D’Ancona, Richard Punt, Cilla Snowball & Sarah Wood discussed the multitude of barriers that women meet when returning to work after maternity leave, as...
Redefining Success – François on expert panel at LBS 15th Annual Women in Business Conference
On Friday 13th March, François was a panellist at the London Business School’s 15th Annual Women in Business Conference. During an animated discussion on partnerships between men and women, François shared his insight on engaging men who find it difficult to...All about women – Averil interviewed by Elaine Ball, CEO of EBTM
In today’s business world, we are hearing more and more about the glass ceiling and how women are on less pay then their male counterparts. Confidence is an issue with women generally and women have more to multi task, compared to their male colleagues. Are women...
I am not your Mummy!
At a network event, when speaking to a delightful woman, she mentioned that in her friendship group, many of the Mums had been made redundant in recent years and that they had lost confidence and career direction as a result. We know that more women are usually laid...
The train picnic
The train was packed this morning. Not enough room to read the paper. Trying to zone out by visualising a distant beach where this heat would be pleasant when the slurping broke through my reverie. A smartly dressed business woman standing beside me was eating a...
Florence Nightingale (1820 – 1910)
“I attribute my success to this – I never gave or took any excuse.” Florence Nightingale was the first woman nurse and the founder of modern nursing. Today, ninety percent of people working in nursing are female (NMC, 2008), but when Florence was born in 1820,...
The Great Coutts Debate
“This House believes that positive discrimination for women is no longer necessary”. I chose to oppose the motion but I could have argued for either side. Here is the gist of my five minute speech: “On the face of it, I am in absolute agreement with the proposers....
Managing maternity in the 21st century
Last week maternity issues in the workplace hit the headlines. While the Institute for Public Policy Research announced ‘one in three working mums is now the main breadwinner’, a survey of 2,000 women by law firm Slater Gordon found that more than one in four mothers...
100 years on and still no equality
100 years ago this month, leading suffragette Emily Wilding Davis ran out in front of the King’s Horse, at the Epsom Derby as a protest at women’s lack of the vote in the UK. She died 4 days later. And while things have moved on for women – fortunately they got the...