Finding my own voice
I was on stage last autumn in Denver, Colorado when I had the ultimate,’Gosh, if I’d only known that, back then’ moment. Interviewing me was a friend who had once been my student flatmate. So, we have a long history. We laughed at the thought of going back to tell our...
IWD 2016: Speed Sisters at BFI Southbank with White Water Women
This year we departed from our usual International Women’s Day breakfast format: we teamed up with Birds Eye View Films/Filmonomics and the British Film Institute to sponsor a special screening of the movie Speed Sisters – the story of the the only female...
Beyond green beer: Find Your Leadership Voice on March 17th
Following the last programme’s success, we are pleased to announce that we will run another instalment of our dedicated one-day event for women on voice, presence, confidence and leadership. It runs on St Patrick’s day, so no excuse for forgetting the...
Women – confident or arrogant? It’s a choice
My heart sank recently when working with a group of young women. They were fantastic, talented, vibrant but yet again talking about how low their confidence was especially when it came to putting themselves and their ideas forward. Time and again women talk of this...
Averil contributes to Daily Telegraph piece on women and networking
Once again, Averil contributed to a article published in the Daily Telegraph – this time on Women and Networking. “If you have to go to a boozy night out choose judiciously which one you go to. Work behind the scenes to influence people and connect in...
Averil special guest speaker at M&C Saatchi’s : ‘IPA Women of Tomorrow 2016’ Campaign launch dinner
M&C Saatchi were working with the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) on an initiative that aims to identify and champion the next generation of female leaders in the advertising industry. ‘Women of Tomorrow’ is an annual scheme that recognises and...
Averil Leimon keynote speaker at British American Business Women’s Forum
Averil was keynote speaker at British American Business Women’s Forum Annual Conference on November 11th, at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, in London. Other speakers were from University of Chicago Booth, Willis Group, United Airlines,...
Averil addresses Chicago Network of Executive Women fall 2015 event
Averil was invited to address the Chicago chapter of Network of Executive Women for their fall learning event, and gave the keynote speech to a gathering of over 180 members drawn from all areas of Chicago’s retail sector, various corporations and international...
How not to be an invisible woman at work: Averil in conversation with Tanith Carey – Daily Telegraph
“Research has found that women are almost twice as likely as men to suffer from ‘imposter syndrome’ – feeling like they are fakes who didn’t deserve to get here in the first place. The result is that we have so much self-doubt that we stop ourselves from...